Welcome to Lawless & Associates

Lawless & Associates is now part of Lewis & Hitchcock, Inc. We are one company operating in three locations, with shops in Beltsville, MD, Greencastle, PA and Richmond, VA. Our twenty full and part-time employees tune and maintain over 370 pipe organs throughout the mid-Atlantic and provide all types of pipe organ rebuilding services.

Lawless & Associates was originally formed by Irving G. Lawless and a co-worker when the former Möller Organ Company in Hagerstown, MD closed in 1992. They started their own company in Hagerstown completing many of the projects that Möller had defaulted on. In July of 2000, the company moved to its current location of 501 S. Cedar Lane, Greencastle, PA. It is said that M.P. Möller operated a business in Greencastle on Franklin Street from 1877 to 1881, (Franklin Street is only three blocks from our current location). Our company has had several locations but has always had the same excellence in experience, knowledge and service.

A pipe organ is a living, breathing instrument that is used for worship, praise, honor or memorializing. It is a graceful and glorious instrument and will last for hundred’s of years with proper care. Each pipe organ is unique and it has it own personality and specified use.

At Lawless & Associates we partner with each of our customers to ensure that their organ is providing them with the sound and diversity that they would like to have every time they use the organ. We pledge to provide the utmost in quality customer service as we earn your respect and trust. Lawless & Associates has a combined 100 years of pipe organ knowledge in one form or another—playing, building, refurbishing, maintaining and servicing.

Please browse our website and get to know us (click here to meet our staff) and the services that we can provide for your pipe organ (click here to learn about our services).

  • What others are saying…

    Irving Lawless, having been involved with our Möller organ since 1976 and its principal caretaker since 1998, knows every inch of this instrument and has deeply invested himself in its care. He and his knowledgeable tuning, maintenance, and office staff provide exemplary service, listen carefully to our needs, and always go well above and beyond the call of duty to make this pipe organ sound glorious each and every week. We could not ask for anything, or anyone, finer and would highly recommend this firm to any church!
    Charles Miller
    Minister of Music and Organist
    National City Christian Church
    Washington, D.C.
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